Hazrat Khawaja Sayyed Shah Nizamuddin Auliya Aurangabadi R.A.

Qutubul Aqtaab, Qutub-e-Deccan, Shaikh-ul-Islam

Khuwaja Nizamuddin Aurangabadi R.A

Among the most renowned saints in India Sheikh ul Islam wal Muslimin Hazrat Khwaja Shah Nizamuddin Auliya Aurangabadi Rh is counted as one of the prominent saint of India. The year of birth of Hazrat Rh was 1060 Hijri i.e. 1650 AD. He belongs to village near Lucknow named as Kakor. Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh was murid and Khalifa-e-azam of Hazrat Sheikh Kalimullaha shah Jahanabadi Rh. The peer-o- Murshad (Spiritual Preceptor) of Hazrat Sheikh Kalimullaha shah Jahanabadi Rh was Qutube Madina Shaikh Yahiya Madani Rh.

According to the advice of Qutubi Madani Sheikh Yahiya Madani Rh Shaikh Kalimullaha Rh has bestowed upon Shah Nizamuddin Auliya Rh the title of Khalifa-e-Azam and instructed him to settle in Deccan an showered upon him the vilayat and responsibility of deccan. When Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh was learning the basic in his village Kakor at the same time in Madina Munnawara preparation for his spiritual teaching were going on, which means that in Madinatul Munnwara at the Rauza of Rasulallah Sallalallaho allahi wasallam the Qutubul Madina Hazrat Sheikh Yahiya Madani Rh showered spiritual teaching and learning to Hazrat Sheikh Kalimullaha Shah Jahanabadi Rh. After giving khilafat to sheikh Kalimullah Rh Sheikh Yahiya Madani Rh gave farewell and advised him the name of his spiritual successor will be “NIZAMUDDIN” who will come to you to seek the knowledge and will recite the following couplet.

“Supurdum bato maaye kheshra tu daani hisaabe kamo beshra”

(I have surrendered myself to you; you know the best for me.)

Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh after completing his basic education at Kakor.he came to khanqah (sufi monastery) of Shah Kalimullah Rh at Delhi to get higher islamic education. While learning, the intense spritiual atmosphere that’s surrounded Shah Kalimullah Rh drew him closer to the path of Sufis.One day after Namaz-e-Zohar the Shah Kalimullah was searching his shoes Hazrat Nizamuddin Rh came forward and dusted his Murshid shoes and placed them before him, the Murshid smile and asked to Nizamuddin Auliya Rh.

Khuwaja Nizamuddin Aurangabadi R.A

“Have you come to acquire knowledge or do you seek the path of Allah?”

To this hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh humbly recited the following words-

“Supurdum bato maaye kheshra tu daani hisaabe kamo beshra”

(I have surrendered myself to you; you know the best for me.)

After hearing this Sheikh Kalimullaha Rh become emotional for some time and he recalled the prophesy of Sheikh Yahiya Madni Rh then he narrated that event of Madina Munnwara to Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh that my Peer-o-Murshid Sheikh Yahiya Madni Rh has said that a man named “NIZAMUDDIN” will come to your khanqah (sufi monastery) to get higher islamic education but later his heart will drew him towards the path of spiritual teaching (Sufism) he will express his desire and will recite this couplet (sher) and you should provide him with all spiritual teaching knowledge as he will be your “Khalifa-e-azam” who will spread and propogate Islam and chistiya silsila. Thus the spiritual teaching of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh started after a period of strict spiritual tranning Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh was made the khalifa-e-Azam of Shah kalimullah Rh and instructed him to settled in deccan and showered upon him the Vilayat of deccan.

With the instruction of Peer-o-Murshid Sheikh Kalimullaha Rh. Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh came to deccan and he traveled to Burhanpur, Sholapur, Bijapur and permanently setlled at Aurangabad. Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia Rh started a spiritual khanqah (sufi monastery) at Aurangabad and devoted the whole life for the spiritual uplifting of the people. Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh after arrival at Aurangabad became anxious for blessing of Peer-o-Murshid. Thus Both the sufi saints were in continuous contact through correspondence with letters. Shaikh Kaleemullah Rh provided guidance to Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh. Through these letters, these letters were collected and rewritten in persion language by Hazrat Kasim Ali Rh. The collection of these letters are called as Maktubaat-e-kaleemi. This book is translated in urdu by the present Sajjada Nashin Syed Moinuddin @ Mohemmed Miya, Dargha Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Aurangabadi in the year 2008.

The spiritual titles given to Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya described in the letters of Shaikh Kaleemullah Jahanabadi Rh Are as follows.

  • “The mystic saint of the world of lovers of Almighty God.”
  • “They witness of the high attributes of beloved Dervishes of Almighty God.”
  • “The comfort of the mystic Dervishes.”
  • “The prominent sufi saint of Islam and Muslims.”
  • “Saint Nizamuddin the t of treasure mystic Sufies.”
  • “The venerable icon of Sufi Derveshes, the venerable icon of noble companion, the master in theological commentary, truth and religion may almighty God perpetuate his bounties in the universe.”
  • “The most prominent in the rank of lovers of almighty God, the trust worthly of those who reached the nearness of almighty God, the prominent saint of Islam and Muslim Community.”
  • “The mentor of Muslim Community, the establisher of religion of piece the beauty of God through whose existence the pious Dervishes adorn their hereafter.”

Further Hazrat Kaleemullah Jahanabadi Rh writes in his letters :-

“Nizamuddin your every breath is counted as Haj, you purify the sole of your murid by teaching them the attitude of speech (as the tongue can take you to hell or heaven.) You teach them good manners and ettiquettes. From above it is clear that Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya was very much near and dear to Shaikh Kaleemullah Janabadi rh."

Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh came to Aurangabad and founded his Khankha. According to Shah Suleman Tausvi Rh The Khankha of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya had 10 doors. The needy people used to come to the door with the paper on which there lawful needs were written. This paper was stamped by the Name of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya Rh and the Ameer i.e. officers and Jagirdars would regard it as the highest honor to fulfill there brothers need because of their great respect and deep love for Hazrat Rh.

The Khankha of Hazrat Rh was always full of needy people kamgar khan (murid) says that he has never seen in his life the needy people returning empty handed from Hazrat Rh Darbar.


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